Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gotta stay postitive...

I've been in a crap moody lately. I'm trying to be positive and send good vibes out into the universe but its much harder than it sounds. I sat down about a half hour ago all ready to finally update this thing and well, my computer is an asshole. It's a simple as that. I've got my fingers, toes and even legs crossed hoping that I DO get that new MacBook I've been lusting over for my birthday. The Big 27 is coming up in less than a month. Damn, I'm starting to feel old.

Since my laptop is an asshole and my external harddrive is still dead, this will be another one of those youtube video things like last time. Can I stumble off topic a minute and talk about youtube? I'm not really into youtube as a whole. Every so often I've hear about a funny video or since all my music is gone I'll go looking for a song there, but there's like a whole youtube community going on. I just don't get. I think its amazing that youtube personalities are going on to bigger and better things (like Glee) It's all great, but most of it is so over my head. I've never understood the internet fame that happens. Maybe I really am an old fart.

Enough about that here's some songs I've been digging lately.

Neon Trees - Animal

The 1st verse got me hooked ("here we go again, i kinda wanna be more then friends, So take it easy on me, I'm afraid you're never satisfied") and than I play it over and over again. It's a fun song. I listened to it no less than 6 times driving up to Denver with my friend Jeremy. He's pretty picking and was right with me singing at the top of our longs. There's almost the animal like growl to it and than he voice almost breaks during the chores. I think it's sexy.

Mumford and Sons - "Little Lion Man"

So this song might have a little more folk in it than I normally go for, but there's also a bit of thunder going on here. This song has some balls. How often does a guy admit fault? Never I tell you. The chorus is what got me and brought me back for more.
but it was not your fault but mine and it was your heart on the line i really fucked it up this time didn't I, my dear?

Jimmy Eat World - "My Best Theory"

I love Jimmy Eat World. It's as simple as that. Here's their new single which is damn good. It has all the elements that make this band one of my favorites. Starts off slow than works you into a tissy of awesomeness.

30 Seconds to Mars - "This is War"

So Jered Leto, Mister Jordan Catalano himself, has a band. I remember hearing he was in a band years ago but I thought it was one of those actor bands that's more like a hobby. Think Kevin Bacon, Keanu Reeves and Russell Crowe. I guess you could say I was wrong. People seem to actually like 30 seconds to Mars, they even won a VMA, not that that means that much. I like this song, much more than I thought it would like any thing by these eyeliner wearing dudes. It's all very end of the world, big brother, we're going to rebel feel to it and I dig that stuff. 1984 is one of my favorite books ever. I doubt George Orwell would care mush for Jered Leto but that's okay.

Arcade Fire - "Ready to Start"

Arcade Fire is another one of those bands I love and probably always will. This song reminds me of Halloween. I'm really not sure why, it just does. Halloween is my favorite holiday. There's so many good verses and lyrics throughout this whole song its really hard for me to just pick one to quote. Its just plain good that I can't even say much more than that.

Friday, September 3, 2010


So. My external hard drive died a couple weeks ago. To say the least, I'm heartbroken. Nearly 100 gigs of music just gone, like that. There may have been a few tears shed, not gonna lie. I'm probably being a tiny bit dramatic, but thats just how obsessed I am when it comes to music. In general I'm not having the best of luck as far as my computer goes. It seems as if my laptop is on the verge of crapping out too. (knock on wood) Lucky for me I getting a shiny new macbook for my birthday!

Of course, I'm still listening to music daily. Pandora has been very helpful and my town has a somewhat decent alternative rock radio station. I still wanted to share with those of you out there in blog land my current favorites or new stuff I've come across. But until I either get the data recovered from the hard drive (which is kind of costly and isn't guaranteed to work) or get my new laptop and able to redownload some of my collection, I wont be able to upload music for a bit. Next best thing is So watch some videos with me, you might find something you like.

Oh and I'm not responsible for anything of these videos. Some are official videos of the artist and some are made by fans. I prefer the ones with lyrics included since I like to read along.

Jason Walker - "Down"
I came across this song thanks to Pandora. The 1st version had a girl singing a couple of verses. Had a Damien Rice vibe to it. I'll be honest and say I didn't look that hard for that version. Apparently this song was also feature on that Vampire Diaries show that I've never watched. There's only room for True Blood in my heart. The song stands on it's own. There's something hauntingly beautiful about the whole vibe of this song. If you pay attention to the lyrics you'll get a great view of my current mindset. Sometimes life can be a little discouraging.

Katy Perry - "Teenage Dream"
I've been listening to this song on repeat the last couple of days. I've probably hate it next week. It's just a fun pop song. Slightly thoughtful but a bit fluff at the same time. Katy Perry has become my current love to hate artist. I go back and forth enjoying her or being annoyed by her. The video for California Girls really annoyed me, but we've not here to talk about that. The whole "skin tight jean" bit cracks me up. It's just plain fun.

John Mayer - "Edge of Desire"
Yes, John Mayer seems like he's a giant toolbag, but I really do love his music. This song in particle would be the perfect musical backdrop for a situation I was in. I think so anyway. Besides Mayer gained some points by streaming his concert from Red Rocks live and FREE for anyone with a computer. Not many people have done that. I got to spend 2 hours Weds. night watching in my favorite pjs and getting a little girlie weepy that tends to happen at his concerts. And, dude can play the guitar and his collection is sick. "there I just said it I'm scared you'll forget about me"

Erin McCarley - "Pony"
It's Okay. Sometimes you need a little reminder. This song is kind peppy and super cute. I would call it a pop song, but it's what more pop songs should be. Empowering instead of just being superficial. I have not problems admitting to enjoying the heck out of it unlike some others i equally enjoy.

Earth, Wind & Fire - "September"
Yes, this song is probably older than I am. Earth Wind and Fire is one of my Dad's all time favorites. I grew up listening to all the stuff. Vinyl, cassette tape, or CD my Dad has it all. A couple of weeks ago I got to see them live and for FREE. (I'm huge into free stuff) My dad played a huge part in my going. Since he lives across the country it was my duty to be there. I had a blast! No joke. I was shaking my groove thing with people of all ages. Couples old enough to be my parents or even grandparents and surprisingly and also amazingly there were so many people from my own generation! Common fellows who grew up listening right along with their parents. I was spooked myself by how many of their songs I knew by heart. Out of their hour and a half set there were only two songs I didn't know every single word. Even though only three of the original band members still tour they put on an amazing so. Great crowd interaction, the bassist had some kick ass fringe pants, and oh my god could these guys hit some high notes. I thought the slightly younger group of guys in front were going to wet their pants every time a crazy high note was hit. I really can't say enough what a great time I had. I think I might have to start seeing "older" acts more often. Touring and putting out music for 20+ years really makes you an expert.